So, we didn't get to adopt this dalmation.. (hehehehe...my heart is laughing).. cause i dun like him either.. he kept on barking at me!
Nevermind... then, i saw Sha Sha.. also a rescued pup but now she has been happily adopted by her new owner who is the one rescued and help to foster those pups till they get a new home... She has a very big heart and a heart of an angel just like aunty Julie to help those unfortunate pups.. .. They have dedicated their times and part of their life to these unfortunate pups.. (sorry no picture of those pups due to mom too distracted with those puppies and me!...)
I can't get along with all those puppies as i have love at first sight with Sha Sha... my eyes are only on Sha Sha... (sorry Amber Mae... but this Sha Sha is really cute)... she even won runner up prize for the most adorable pup at the recent dog event organized by PetNYou...
My mom is super angry with me cause i was too excited yesterday and pee pee everywhere at people house.. oops.. sorry mom, but i can't control it.. u never tell me earlier that i can't pee there... And she also super angry with me that i don't mix well with others.. if not, she would have bring one back home.. hehehe.. tell u guys, this is my technique to avoid mom of adopting... Even with dad not agreeing with her to adopt one.. but she still persist.. well, guess i just need to do my job to help dad...
Anyway... we will do something here to help those unfortunate doggies..... in term of money or goods.. if we can't adopt.. (this is my mom words.. she makes me wrote this)...
Oh, Rossi! You are always trying to help out the less fortunate! Your momma should be proud of you! even though you pee peed on the floor..it happens!
Oh Sha Sha really is a cutie. Will you get to meet her often? It's nice to have people like your mom to help the other unfortunate doggies
~ Girl girl
Hello Rossi,
Sha Sha is really a cutie pie!! Hope the dalmation is reunited with his family soon... *sigh*
Congratulation Rossi !!!
Your mom failed again, you are very good in this huh...mayb you should teach me those technique too, so I can prevent my mom from adopting another pup in the future....*wink*
You should be vewy pwoud of youw Mama and hew fwiend fow being so cawing about all those doggies..ShaSha is a cutie,but so is evewydoggie, and I hope they all find their fowwevew homeses.
I got out of the doghouse now, and i'm twying to be good, cause I don't want to miss my birfday
smoochie kisses
rossi! you didn't tell if mom adopted the dalmation or not!
wet wet licks
Its not pee its a calling card. Humans just don't understand.
Simba x
Yes, shasha is SOOOO cute!
Missy wanted to kidnap her. Sigh. Missy...
ShaSha is adorable, Rossi! It looks like you "might" be getting a sib soon? Keep peeing all over the place so the hoomans change their minds! You like being an only child - keep telling yourself that, okay?
Love ya lots,
Hey Rossi! ShaSha is so cuuuteee!!! It's so nice of your mommy because she tries to help those doggies!
Kisses guys!
It's okay Rossi...I'm no jealous type & anyway, she's waaaaay toooooo young & too small for ya so there's nothing for me to worry about. Kekeke! Hey, I think I seen her on petnyou day. Or maybe was another pup that looked exactly like her coz they both have the same markings, color & she was also rescued from the dustbin. Hope your mommy will be able to find a brother or a sister for ya...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
sha sha is nice! but u aren't really in love with her right? she's only a baby so it will make u a pee-dofile wor...
my mom is also looking at rescued doggies and trying to find me a brother or sister. i'm not sure if i like it or not, but if i don't, just have to do what u did and she won't bring it home right?
That puppy is so cute!
Its all your mommys fault about not letting you know about where to pee !
That puppy is very cute! But I can understand why you don't want to bring home another dog. I don't ever want another dog living here either, 'cause I need ALL the attention.
Hi, Rossi
Give your mom a big kiss and hug from us. She is really nice helping those pups who need a lot!
You are doing a good job avoiding to have a sibling at home!
Have a good night
so u're still safe for d time being...
but seems like ur owner is desperate in d hunt for another dog
my mummy scolds me too for not mixing well with ppl..ahh wut the heck..i'm a dog! just kiss her and she wun be mad anymore! =P
Your mom is such a nice & kind lady.
Boy n Baby
i think your Mom seems quite determined to get u a bro/sis.
didn't u explain to your Mom dat u r a veri hapPee doggin?
I don't mix well with others either!! So how did I end up with two annoying Sisters???? We should've just given money to the shelter & left the girls there.
oooooh!!! ShaSha is soo adorable!
looks like a mix with silky terrier!
elo rossi! yea sha sha is a cutie;)
Sha Sha is a cutie. Mommy wants to have a bro or sis for me, but she isn't allowed.. Muahaha. Is nice that your mommy wants to adopt homeless dogs.
Sha Sha is sooooooooooo cutey pie!
Whoa ShaSha is absolutely gorgeous - no wonder you only had eyes for her Rossi!!
And I like your tips on stopping the humans adding to the canine pack in your house - will definitely keep those in mind cos my humans seem to think they're getting another dog when they move us to a bigger kennel and there's NO way I'm sharing HM with another dog!!!
Rossi, I think your mom is a gweat person. I just know it.. :)
Momo xoxoxo
Hi Rossi
I don't always mix well with others either. Some dogs just don't smell right and I have to let them know it. But it's good to give doggies homes. That's how I got to live here.
Did you get to meet Sha Sha snout-to-snout? She looks so sweet. Is she part Airedale? (She looks like it).
Goober love,
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