Monday, December 17, 2007

Great weekend....after quiet for long

Oh wow.. i got to say that i had a great weekend ever after being neglected for few weeks now..

1st- i get to go to Yen's house warming party (Yen is a lovely young lady who rescue pups n doggies from the street and find a good responsible adopter for those unfortunate pups, now she is opening a doggie home boarding service)

2nd - i got so so many pressies from Boo, Singapaw DWB's friends..(Girl Girl, BooBoo & Bond, Baby & Boy).... I will post it out with pictures in my next post..

3rd - i get to sleep with mommy in an aircond room - mom bathed me and dry me nicely.. i smelled so nice that i get to sleep with her!!..

4th - i get to go out again with mommy.. to great grandma's house... where i get to eat and play..

5th - my grandma n grandpa are coming back today from a long trip to Taiwan.. yahoo!.. am so happy.. i missed them so much.. they have been away for more than 10 days now!...

Mom bought treats for my friends.. and i get to try them out too.. is Muttz-RRR-Ella sticks....

Look like this.. cute huh.. got a bone shape in the middle.. is a cheese!

Hmm.. yum yum.. i can't take my eyes of you!... come to me..

Pressies to bring to Yen's house warming cause i know i will meet some close friends there....... i have been good.. i didn't disturb mom while she helps to wrapped those pressies for my friends... we have pressies for the humans and doggies too..

Oh... nicely wrapped with cards...

Ok... time for posing.. my daddy is bad in taking photo.. this is not the best look of me.. hmphf..
and he lazy to take more of my picture..

While am posing for picture with lazy daddy.. mom is busy making tuna sandwiches for the party.... she is not a good cook..

sandwiches almost ready...

ok, mom.. what u want me to help?... i can clean up the bread skin for u... it will be wasted if u throw it away...

oh yummy!..

Not much photo that mom took at Yen's place.. anyway.. u can see wandering around.. while Boo as usual... at daddy's lap..heheheh :P

Me mixing around with others.. oh, on the left is Prince..

And Boo's brudder.. Dopey aka MooMoo the cow.. is a bit scare on that day.. he will only stick to BenBen's mom.. and BenBen's mom was busy chatting with Amanda..Pacco's owner..

Ok.. guess that's all for now.. hope u guys had a great weekend too!..


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee looks like a fun party. I bet those sandwhiches taste yummy

~ Girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

Oh Rossi, what a fun outing. FOOD, pressie, frens...but HOW COME MY MOM WAS THERE & IM NOT ??? She somemore let the cow sit on "MY PAWSONAL" lap !!! GRrr......TOO MUCH!!!

By the way, thanks for your pressie. I like it sooooooooooo much....but er...NOT THE MUZZLE!!! I nearly got choke by that muzzle. Thanks to my stoopid mom.

Tatum Tot said...

How fun all the great things! I want one of those cookies with the cheesy bone.

Ben & Darling said...

Er...collar ah?? When mom put it on me ah, the plastic part got straight to my & mom spent quite sometimes to take it out. It ears blocking it...phew~

Myeo said...

You guys look like you had a great time. We are so envious. Wish we could be there.

Boy n Baby

Boo Casanova said...

err... rossi, please lah. i was on daddy's lap bcoz some HUGE dog keep bullying me! try to smell my butt, stuck his nose to me all the time... sigh! after u left hor, i was walking around the kitchen and the living room looking for food! fun!

wet wet licks


shushu, momo & kero said...

hi rossi,

That looks like a very fun party! :)

Amber-Mae said...

Rossi, wish you didn't leave sooo early. You didn't even get a chance to swim! Btw, about the small gift I gave to Yen, she might have given to her dogs to eat already becoz the biscuit cannot last for long wor & it's all broken to pieces already. I will give you another pressie when we meet again ok? Oh hey, you interested in going to KKB this week? Maybe Thursday morning? Hope your mom is free on that day...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Headgirl said...

How great that all of you could get together - looked a fun party.
Wish I could have joined in, so many friends there.

Pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great Christmas and New year. Can't wait to catch up with all the blogs when I get back.

Simba xx

Par said...

Love looking at your doggie gathering.
Those sandwich are nicely stack, good job!
Lots of their smiling!

Duke said...

We love tuna fish sandwiches! It's our dad's very favorite! The mozzerella stick looks delicious too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Randi said...

Hi Rossi!

What a fun party! You all look like you are having a great time...Good job cleaning up the are such a good helper!

Love & Licks,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Rossi
I guess Boo is complaining about someones behavior!
You were so nice giving presents for your friends.
Looks like you had a great time!
Have a good night

umekotyan said...

It is a wonderful party.
Friends' gatherings.
A wonderful dream is carried at Christmas. :)

from loved ume tyan

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Yummm Tuna sandwiches are the most sought after kind here.

Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles

Amber said...

What a fun pawty you all had! The sandwiches that your mom made looks good! I glad you had a great weekend!

Amber :)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey...i saw my black head there..

is so nice to meet u and boo finally...

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Rossi!
You look like you had a great time in the pawty! That sandwiches looks delicious!

Love and licks

Lizzy said...

Those sandwiches look good! I'm starting to drool on the keyboard again.

I'm glad to hear your weekend was good! Mine was boring actually... lots of rain, and my humans were out a lot. But I'm not too sad, 'cause Christmas is coming soon!


Anonymous said...

No wonder you had such a great weekend Rossi - sounds like you were very busy helping your mum get ready for that fun party!


Helios said...

You know what? As I was scrolling down the peektures, I notice that you pose exactly the same in the peekture with the hamper, as the 1st peekture on the left when you were a pup! Same back legs extended, front left paw turned out slightly.

I guess habits never change huh?

PS: Cooking day is fun right! There's lots of reject food!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow... SO many pressies!! Looks like a fun pawty... (And I hope you got to try out more of those sandwiches??)

Harry said...

Did you get to eat all those bread crust? Yummy! Looks like a fun party, and look at all your pressies you lucky boy!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Hammer said...

Dear Rossi
First, we did receive your bootiful Christmas card. I thanked you in your post about your mum being pregnant. It's great to hear you slept with your mum. I am lucky coz I sleep with my mum every nite, and so does Hobson. It looks a great pawty with all your friends. Casanova Boo sure loves his dad and Dopey will get used to all the action when he gets a little older. Sorry for not talking but our compooter stopped.
Love from Hammer

Ferndoggle said...

We heard all about your antics on Boos blog, Rossi. Sounds like you were getting quite fresh with him! Who can blame you though. He IS the Cassanova.

Looks like a fun pawty!

Sherman, Penny & Lola