MIA = Missing in Action...
Its been more than 2 months now since i last update this blog.. so many things been happening and changes.. anyway, i do not want to elaborate much in writing but i'll show it thru my photo..
Here below are the "slide shows"..heheheh
me was sick sick, back last 2 mths ago as am straining while peeing, doc suspects i was having prostate gland infection. Then i was given a medication for 3 weeks, after 2 weeks of medication i was showing a very good sign... Am starting to pee normally.. I wanna THANK YOU all at that time for being so caring and for sending me well wishes.. i really appreciated it.. especially you my love one.. Mona for writing to me to check on my condition..
see, how happy i was, then later, mum gave me a shocking news.. she said she will needs to send me to Hercules's place for a short period of time, i don't think is a short period of time, if its short period, why do i need to be sent there... i was so sad, thinking that mum n dad do not want me anymore, tat they choose the human baby than me.. but mum n i had a great talk about it.. and i agreed...

well... i am not tat sad afterall... hehehe.. Now, i got Hercules to play with Everday, i know mum intention now.. she just dun want me to feel lonely at home knowing that she won't has the time for me... am ok with it now..
Afterall, Hercules is my best buddy and my brother.. well, he really does take care of me.. (mum : Rossi is the naughty one, he always bully Hercules, Hercules is so sweet tat everytime, he will let Rossi get what he wants even his favourite toys, balls)..

U know what.. Hercules was biting the ring first.. but i kinda snap it from him.. i like to do tat!.. heheheh.. Let it go, Herc! Is my ring anyway!..

During my away from home.. My brother Athens n Butter had a litters.. they are so cute!!!... but but.. it was sad.. cause Butter gave birth to 9 lil' cuties and ended up all 5 passed away to the rainbow bridge and left these 4 cuties pie..

Aren't they cute!.. particular this one!.. He loves to sleep like tat!.. wonder why.. showing off his teeth n tongue!..
And and mum caught herself into rescuing or rather buying this lil' pooch from a breeder's farm ... she told me that the condition at the breeder's farm is bad.. real bad.. smelly.. uh.. no words to decribe it.. anyway, we named her COFFEE.. when we brought back her, she was already had ticks fever, she hardly move, and she had to take medication for 2 weeks.. now, she is hyper! (tell u guys one secret, she is a super duper Naughty lil' girl!!...) and she is staying with my mum's aunt but she will be staying with us soon.. once mum is settle down with my human baby! Oh yes, btw, the breeder claimed that she is a mini poodle.. but we doubt it.. could be mix poodle with terrier..
Recently, mum came to visit me!.. Yay!.. Tat Hercules.. is a sissy boy!.. everytime he sees mum.. he sure attach to her... Excuse me! Herc, move aside, this is MY mum!.. ok
Hahah.... mum always love me!.. she looks fat in this picture huh.. after giving birth she is FAT!..
Mum n Dad brought 2 of us to the garden.. and we are off leash.. we RUN RUN RUN!!.. and we play chase chase chase!.. it was so much fun!.. anyway, me and Herc will get our walkies everyday and we are allow to play around the garden backyard... 
Herc!.. wait for me!!..
Ok.. guys.. me busy chasing hercules now.. talk later....