Friday, July 6, 2007

About my family....

This is Vontan Arts Buggy

Vontan Arts Buggy again....

Rossi : The gloomy day has passed and now is the sunny day with a sunny feeling and a starry smile.... I would just like to put aside my worry of my hip and legs for a moment now as its been a stressful weeks been past there and i just don’t wish to go through that anymore.. and now i want to start a brand new day with a brand new breath.. hahaha.a...

Ok.. since i’ve been tagged by Goofy last week ago to tell bout my hooman family and so here goes... take over mum....u can do it!!...

Mum : Ok, Rossi.. Ahem... Hi all... this is ME... Rossi’s Rossi, i can’t do it... you take over please.... i know u can do it!!...

Rossi : U see.. in fact she is a scary cat...ok ok... I’ll do it..

Once a upon a time... not long ago...born a puppy hero named Vontan Arts Buggy. His sire is Maradona and dam is Sktee Zacharias... (hahaha..funny names).. ok ok.. go back serious.. ahem... together with his siblings of eight!!.. yes.. eight .. they came to this planet called Earth...

Individual puppy has its own destiny and mission to complete... and within the weeks of 10.. all been separated to their destine home and adventure.. Vontan Arts Buggy at last went to a family called Low & Chen family... and been renamed again to ROSSI ...his adopted parents are living together in a double storey corner lot house in a small city called USJ, Subang Jaya.. and that’s where Rossi live now... His mum named Kien and his dad named Paul... both are animals lovers who treasures natures and living things.. and they love sports too...

To simplify, data of the family as follows :

Name : Kien (Mum)

Siblings : 1 (an elder brother)

Parents : Still alive (Rossi loves them so much)

Originate : From Tg Malim, Perak, Malaysia

Years live in Subang Jaya : 15 years.

Occupation : Administrative Manager

Business Nature : Medical Supplies

Work place : Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia

Likes : Sports, Animals, Travelling, Drawings, Crafts work..

Dislikes : Abuse of human n animals.., Discrimination, War & Killings..

Place visited : Most places in Malaysia.., Australia, China, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Weaknesses : Rossi (hahaha)..

Name : Paul (Dad)

Siblings : 4 (Dad is a twin, he is the second with 2 younger brother and a sister)

Parents : Still alive (Rossi hardly know them)

Originate : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Years live in Subang Jaya : 22 years

Occupation : Entrepreneur in IT business

Business Nature : IT

Work place : Plaza Low Yat, KL, Malaysia

Likes : Sports.. especially super bike, Animals, Fishing, Drawings & EAT...

Dislikes : Unknown.. too many to mention..

Place visited : Most places in Malaysia ..., Australia, China, Europe (UK, France), Hong Kong, Singapore, US

Weaknesses : Kien n Rossi (hahahaha)...

They just got married early this this is the latest photo of mum n dad


Lizzy said...

Hello Rossi, I like your blog! It's pretty cool. ;)


Charlie said...

Rossi, you were such a cute little guy! Hey, wait - - you still are!!
- Charlie

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a happy family u had....

Duke said...

Your mom and dad look like a fun couple Rossi!

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

What fun wedding photos! Your mum and dad look lovely!

Oscar x

Asta said...

You're a lucky pup..your pawents look awfully cute and fun and obviously love you lots..
I wasn't weawing a seat belt, cause it was a wental caw and they don't have doggy seat belts in them, but I was just fine don't'll see what fun I had in the next few days
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Rossi
Thanks for sharing your parents with us.
They look having fun in those wedding pictures.
Sure they love you as much as you love them!
Have a nice day

PreciOus said...

Woo, I can't decide who you resemble more. I think you inherited both their good genes.


Goofy said...

Pretty mum handsome dad huh!! HAPPY FAMILY!!! hehehe..

Amber-Mae said...

Awwww, your hoomans are just BOOTIFUL together! If you were in those pictures with them, I think it would have been PAWFECT! Your mommy's very pweetty & your daddy's very handsome & they both are highly educated! Kewl... And you were soooooo cute when you were just a wee puppy!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Hana said...

Your parents have such funny wedding photos, well, the first one is really funny! I bet they are funny people and keep you entertained! Hey, thanks for visiting my bloggy!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Rossi.
Its me again.
For my frosties my mom mixes two cups of zero fat yogurt with two spoons of peanut butter, then puts the mix in an ice cube tray, it goes to the freezer and ta-da!! ready to eat! Its pretty easy. I hope your mom makes some for you!
Have a good night

Myeo said...

Your parents are bootiful. Is that where you got your good looks from?

Boy n Baby