Well.. why i mention roller coaster?.... is it been a roller coaster ride for all of us during weekend.. including mom!.. is a synonymous for sudden happiness - agony - sad...
First, mom brought us for spa!!.. yes... another agony of waiting and letting those stoopid hand touches your whole body.. some holding scissors.. some spray water on you.. and some blow dry you with those giant air hose... but this time around, it was ok .. cause i have Hercules to accompany me.. so, it wasn't as bad as last time..
Of course, when we get home, both of us was so pooped out.. and we just dropped to deep sleep... the next day.. daddy woke up early to bring both us to walk...
leash around dad as we both moved around the opposite side and circulating dad legs.. heheheh
But it was fun!.. eventho' is a short walkies..
Then... later in the afternoon, mom bought Hercules for check up since we decided to adopt him.. mom wanted to get him vaccinated so that she can apply the dog license for Hercules.. and look who they met at the vet! Yes, is ShaSha and her owners... and can you see ShaSha, she has been thinking that she is a Hercules instead.. she tried to pull Hercules to walk around.. hahahah...
Ok.. the sad part is now..... hmm...i dunno what to say... mom told me that Hercules was tested positive for Heartworm disease
I dunno what it is but i know is fatal.. that's why mom gave me this big pellet every month called Heartgard for prevention of this disease since i was only 3 months old.. guess, Hercules previous owner never take care of him.. and never do any prevention ended up Hercules has to suffer..
Mom did look at the test and saw the baby worm in his blood through microscope... that really makes mom's heart nearly crack into 2 pieces.. i know mom was very sad the moment she came back... and now, she will need to make appointment again with the vet for Hercules to do treatment.. it will be at least 2-3 days treatment where Hercules need to admit himself in vet hospital and stay there for 3 days.. But lucky part is we found this infection still at an early stage and mom really hope that it can easily cure...
He is still very young.. how can a young pup like him can get this kind of diseases?... mom is very furious with the previous owner for not giving any prevention to Hercules earlier on.. and worst part is... he been abandoned!...
Hercules getting more and more attached to mom.....
Am ok today for not putting most of my pictures in this post... Hope Hercules will feel better now..